Revel EV charging system Can Revel Get New York’s Dismal EV Charging System Off the Road?

Revel ev charging The company that operates the bright electric mopes is actually making more money from the Tesla Model Y’s power-hailing service. But EVs in a city like New York City are pointless without enough charging

There are approximately 2 million cars registered to New York city households ,a number  that doesn't even include taxis buses.
Revel EV charging
Every day those drivers deal with the traffic, potholes, lack of parking space, notorious bad habits and the bad consequences of driving in the city that could probably use smaller cars.
Now imagine a future where most, if not all, of these vehicles use electricity instead of gasoline.

One way or another, the future we see will require more plugs. The purchase and use of electric vehicles in New York City is growing rapidly, but the city’s public charging services leave something to be desired – even worse than the rest of the country’s network.

Fixing that is the next big game from Revel, a Brooklyn-based ride-hailing service that started in 2018 with its signature blue taxi and graduated to a Tesla Model Y ride-hailing alternative to Uber and Lyft. After the rapid development of the project, it is now actively moving into the charging business.

Now imagine a future where most, if not all, of these vehicles use electricity instead of gasoline

In January, Revel announced that it would build "Superhub" fast charging stations across the city, in addition to the one it operates in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. These centers will add another 136 charging stations and will serve any EV, not just Revel pickups. Current plans call for 60 booths in Maspeth, Queens; 30 booths in Port Morris of the Bronx; 20 stalls in Red Hook, Brooklyn; 16 booths at the Dime Building in South Williamsburg; and 10 more booths at Pier 36 in the Lower East Side between the Williamsburg Bridge and Manhattan.

All will open by the end of this year, the company said, except for the Red Hook location, which is expected to open in 2024. A Revel spokesperson added that the Williamsburg location will open “soon.” “

Revel hopes that this major injection of EV charging will not only allow its network to grow and grow, but will also make it easier for EV owners in the city.

"If you think about big American cities like New York, the change is just stuck," Revel CEO and founder Frank Reig told The Verge in an interview. "It just doesn't happen that way."

Compared to the thousands of EVs in the city, 136 charging stations may not seem like a lot. But it is important to remember that these are fast charging stations that can deliver at least 150 kW, which should be able to turn the EV to full levels in just 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the power of the vehicle. This means cars from across the five boroughs can charge and drive faster and have access to charging that they might not otherwise have.

“When you think about big cities in the US like New York, the transition is just stuck in neutral.”

It would also bode well for Revel’s own expansion plans and the number of Uber and Lyft vehicles that Mayor Eric Adams wants to be electric by 2030 — though that goal faces its own big hurdles.

Together, Revel said these additions will double the capacity for fast charging in New York City and the Maspeth Superhub will be the largest public charging station in the Midwest.

Regarding security concerns about adding a low-power charging station in places like Red Hook, which experienced severe flooding during Hurricane Sandy, Revel spokesman Robert Familiar said, “Revel’s Red Hook Recharge Zone will make the Red Hook community Hook to be resilient during extreme weather. The 20-stall V2G [vehicle-to-grid] system combined with solar + on-site storage can save the home grid during peak demand and possible blackout conditions. All important infrastructure there will be elevated above the 100-year flood plain.”

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