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Payday loan

A payday loan is a small , short-term loans that many time due on your next per day , anywhere form two to four weeks . These types of loans are for $500 or less and have high interest rates such as annual percentage rates (APR) up to 400%.
x  In contrast, the APR on a conventional personal loan is usually set at 36%, which financial experts consider the highest rate of interest.

Payday loans have the following features:

  • Access to your checking account: Most payday loan companies require you to write a check or give them access to your checking account, allowing them to get money directly into your account.
  • It can change the balance dramatically: Depending on state laws, some lenders allow borrowers to “modify” or change their loan by making a new payment to extend the repayment period. . However, it can lead you into debt, or you always have to borrow more money to pay off the debt.
  • No credit required: they can have bad credit. However, the payments won’t appear on your credit report, so they won’t help you build credit.
what is Payday loan
what is Payday loan
How do payday loans work?
Pay day loan :Payday loans do not require a credit check. Applicants must have a bank account and the ability to verify their identity and income. Because lenders don't check your credit, they're betting on your promise to pay — so they charge higher interest rates and fees to cover the risk if you don't.

Therefore, many financial experts advise against using payday loans because the combination of high interest rates and short payment terms can deter consumers. In many cases, consumers must roll over their payday loan to another loan to pay off the first one.

When it comes to repayments, payday loans can be structured as cash loans or paid in a lump sum.

How do payday loans work?

Payday loans do not require a credit check. Applicants must have a bank account and the ability to verify their identity and income. Because lenders don't check your credit, they're betting on your promise to pay — so they charge higher interest rates and fees to cover the risk if you don't.

Therefore, many financial experts advise against using payday loans because the combination of high interest rates and short payment terms can deter consumers. In many cases, consumers must roll over their payday loan to another loan to pay off the first one.

When it comes to repayments, payday loans can be structured as cash loans or paid in a lump sum.

How much does a payday loan cost?

much consumers can borrow and how much lenders can charge.

In most states, fees are charged as a percentage, usually from $10 to $30 for every $100 owed. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, it is common for lenders to charge a fee of $15 for every $100 of money borrowed.

Most importantly, you will never see this payment. Payday loan terms are often expressed as part of the APR, which includes interest and other fees. This is why payday loans can have APRs of up to 400%.

The total cost of a payday loan (including interest and fees) depends on where you live. Some states limit the cost of these loans or require them to be paid with a minimum amount.

The Pew Charitable Trusts analyzed lending data from payday lending states to determine how well state laws protect payday lenders. Here is a look at the average amount to borrow $500 (or the amount allowed) for four months in some states; in this example, Colorado and Hawaii have consumer protection laws, while Texas and Idaho do not.


Average cost of interest and feesAverage APR
Hawaii $158144%
Texas $645527%

Do payday loans help build credit?

Lenders don't report payments to the credit bureaus, so payday loans can't improve your credit.

However, if you default on your loan, the lender can sell it to the loan company. This agency may report your unpaid debt to one or more credit bureaus and it will appear on your credit report. Since your credit is calculated by the activity on your credit report, this can lower your credit score.

Alternatively, if you default on your loan, the lender may sue you for default. In this case, if you lose an appeal, it may show up on your credit report.

If you want to build your credit, consider a construction loan or take steps to improve your credit by paying your bills on time and checking your credit report for delinquencies.
How to get a payday loan .
If you’re considering a loan, only borrow what you’re sure you can repay. If you understand the risks and a payday loan is your only option, here’s how you can get one:

1 .Check the payday loan laws in your state. Some states do not allow payday loans, while    others have strict laws regarding these providers. Use this summary of payday loan laws from the National Conference of State Legislatures to understand your state's laws.

2.Make sure the lender is licensed in your state. If your state offers payday loans, check with your attorney's office or your state bank regulator.

3. Shop around. Don't just borrow from the nearest payday loan store - check with banks, credit unions and online lenders to see if they offer small loans. Compare APRs and loan rates, and do the math to see how much the loan will cost if you don't pay it off within a week or two.
4. Choose a lender. Depending on the lender you choose and the state you live in, you can apply for a loan and get approved for a loan online. Read the terms carefully and check for deferred fees or revolving fees.
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